Again, UNIVEM was invited by the “Vincennes en Anciennes” association (an association of classic cars) to attend the arrival of their famous event, the “Traversée de Paris”: hundreds of classic cars driving through Paris on Sunday morning. The finish line being in the castle of Meudon, which is on the edge of a wooded plateau, that offers views of the Seine and Paris.
With the Corona crisis, this year’s theme was about the US Medical Corps during WW2 to pay a tribute to the health care workers. The Jeep Willys and the M3 Half-Track were given big red cross and strecher struts (field improvisation, like during the war!). Members of UNIVEM also brought a Dodge WC-54 ambulance, a WC-51 (also converted to ambulance), and a Cushman airborne scooter replica. Tents and other medical equipments completed the exhibition that was a huge success with the public. Also to mention, the first outing of the 1 ton water trailer, freshly restored.
Other vehicles also came: the International M425 and its semi-trailer, the Half-Track M5, the Dodge Command Cars, the GMC CCKW dump truck and cargo, the Renault VBL, and several member’s Jeeps: again, a great convoy coming from Satory and a new successfull day for UNIVEM, despite the heavy rains of the day!