As every year Retromobile is a jewelery case for great many treasures.
UNIVEM presents their Dodge T110, a famous WWII utility truck which had also a long civilian career. It is also well know of the general public for being one of the two trucks carrying the nitroglycerin in the 1953 movie “The wages of fear”. It comes as a welcome addition to our US Navy Jeep and our US Navy International M2-4.
Our usual neighbour at the show, the “Musée des Blindés” of Saumur (armored vehicles museum) exhibits three rarities : Schneider CD, only survivor of the 500 built, Schneider CA1 and the last survivor of another series that was built by the Compagnie des Forges et Aciéries de la Marine d’Homécourt (FAMH) at Saint-Chamond, France. A specific feature of this tank was its electrical transmission. A Panhard gasoline engine drove a generator that fed one elctrical motor on each track (photo of the plant : source Retromobile).
The 155mm guns were towed by Renault EG or Latil TAR trucks to the combat zones. The Schneider CD relayed the trucks on the rough terrain up to the gun batteries.
- Rétromobile 2017
- Rétromobile 2017