Every year, the city of Versailles holds an event gathering every association of the city that present what they do to the public. UNIVEM was there, with a lot of heavy vehicles: 3 Half-Tracks, Ford M8, Diamond T M20, Ward-La-France M1A1, International M425 and its semi trailer, GMC CCKW Workshop, a Dodge Command-Car and some Jeeps. Once again, it was a success with the public!
Diamond T M20
Half-Track devant le château de Versailles
Alignement des véhicules
Half-Track M5 & M3
Half-Track & M8 Ford
Half-Track M16
GMC CCKW353 atelier
GMC CCKW 353 & Diamond T M20
Alignement de véhicules au Forum des Associations
International M425
Ford M8 Armored Car
Diamond T M20, Ward-La-France M1A1, Dodge Command Car
Dodge Command car
Le stand de l’Univem au forum des associations
L’UNIVEM devant le château de Versailles